Day 5/6- Routine Tuesday

The NCGA did not meet on Friday, and therefore I did not go back in to either the Legislative Building or Legislative Office Building until Tuesday.

Tuesday was a fairly routine day at the Legislative Building, but busy and interesting nevertheless. Ashley and I met with a few legislators throughout the day, including Senator Chaudhuri, who serves my district. He wanted to get a student’s perspective on issues occurring recently in schools as a result of Covid, and it was really cool to be able to discuss this with him. We agreed on the importance of extracurricular opportunities at school, even when they pose challenges due to Covid restrictions. He was one of my favorite legislators I had met thus far.

For lunch, Bella and I went to the Raleigh Times with Ashley and fueled up on street tacos, which were delicious. I’ve really enjoyed the location of the NCGA in downtown Raleigh, and being able to walk to a variety of restaurants in such close proximity to the building is really great.

In the afternoon, Bella and I attended a few committee meetings, as well as Senate Rules at 2:30. After the meeting, we went back to Representative Martin’s office and hung out with Lee and Chris for the rest of the day.

Sitting on 2nd floor of LB

Senate Rules

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