Days 5+6

I grouped these days together because they served the same purpose. I finalized my research and got ready to present my findings to Professor Markham and to speak to a think tank employee on Wednesday. During these two days, I formalized many questions about Senate Bill 300 and reached the pinnacle of my understanding of the bill. I also made notes on each of the sources I looked at so far to make sure that I was ready to talk in-depth to anyone we might meet at the legislative assembly and Professor Markham. To make sure I didn’t miss anything, I reread Senate Bill 300, and I realized I missed an entire provision that threw my own thinking out the window. A clause provided that a study in California in 2015 would be proof of the efficacy of SBM technology. In essence, the legislative branch is effectively legalizing the study’s findings and discrediting findings with opposite/opposing conclusions. I found this to be worrisome about the constitutionality of the bill, which I want to bring up on Wednesday.


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