Day 9- Working on Dance With Me in Autumn Leaves Cont.

Today, I continued working on my piece for Ms. Bossen. I was extremely productive and made a lot of progress in the play to get to the second act, which is set in present day. It was a very exciting day for me because I was able to map out the journey of my characters in a way that made sense to their arcs and to their friendship. I’m looking forward to ending the story in a way that is satisfying for me and the audience. Here is an excerpt from Act 2.

EMMA: Which one’s your favorite?
ADDY: Given that I know nothing about any of them, I’m gonna have to go with that cool, red and flashy one.
EMMA: Addy, that’s a satellite.
ADDY: Huh. That explains why it’s moving. I really thought I was gonna see a… wait, there!
EMMA: What? (Addy points up) Oh!
ADDY: Yeah. (shivers) A shooting star.
EMMA: Hey, are you cold?
ADDY: A bit.
EMMA: We can go inside if you want.
ADDY: Inside where? As far as I know, closest building is the one you just bolted from.
EMMA: I’m sorry.
ADDY: Sorry for what?
EMMA: Freaking.
ADDY: No, no, no, no. Don’t you dare apologize. You can’t blame yourself. Shit got crazy in there.
EMMA: I ruined your night.
ADDY: You didn’t ruining anything. I’m having more fun laying in this field with you than I was with a bunch of sweaty, hormonal high schoolers.
EMMA: Technically, we are sweaty and hormonal high schoolers.
ADDY: Shut up. I’m trying to have a moment here.
EMMA: Sorry.
ADDY: We really gotta work on your apology thing.
EMMA: Sorry!
ADDY: Less, Ems. Do it less. Only apologize when you need to.
EMMA: But I needed to?

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