Day 4!

My favorite meeting we attended on Thursday was about how your brand and network matter. We learned about how your brand is not only the activities/organizations you participate in but your general character and personality. We also learned about the importance of networking; it allows you to make connections and build relationships that can help you later on during your career.

Another session I found interesting was our session about Collaboration or more specifically Webex. I learned about the different ways one can use Webex to easily communicate with others. We were also able to see how someone who works at Cisco uses Webex on a daily basis. They are able to easily message other people who work at Cisco if their customer has a question about a given product and they don’t have the answer, for example. Based on my understanding, Webex appears to be a combination of Teams and Zoom in one platform.

Here is a picture of the Webex app format:


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