Day 4 – Continuing Research

I chose to focus more on the law enforcement reform area of the bill. I have not received research questions from Mr. Markham however continued to research more about police reform and the different aspects that I learned yesterday that would be enacted if this bill were to pass.

After the death of George Floyd, North Carolina police departments banned chokeholds as well as began to back up the “8 can’t wait” campaign that was nationally known. The campaign or project basically banned chokehold and other violent measures that police may enact while on duty. Overall, North Carolina at the moment is attempting to create more “kinder” or “gentler” ways to approach circumstances that could lead to something very bad. As I researched yesterday, many things could play a part in this, and pieces of the bill are helpful in making sure that law enforcement officers follow these newer protocols, with the mental checks and more training.

Overall, today was informative in learning more about what North Carolina as a state has done to help reform the police issue that has widely surfaced since the killing of George Floyd.


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