As the title suggests, I have fallen.
dun dun duuuunnn
Okay, that sounds bad. I really just fell off the platform that I placed in my game and could not get back to it so I just descended into nothingness. I tried everything I could to get back on top of it but it was nowhere to be found (if I remember to, I’ll edit this post later and include screenshots of the void). Even after searching and nitpicking around in the settings, I just could not find a way to get back to the platform. I then asked Mr. Polge for assistance but we just could not find our way back up. Consequently, I decided to start over and make a new game. I decided to try to make an interactable car! This means I’d have a third-person perspective character driving a car around the game. Not entirely sure how I’d turn this into a game, but for now, I’m working on getting the car to drive and editing all the physics of the car.