Gyno, sutures, hearing clinic surgeries

My group learned how to properly deliver a baby and the ins and outs of being a OBGYN. We met with Mr. and Ms. Alverez who both happen to be OBGYN’s. They walked us through their career paths and answered all our questions about dulas and midwives, placentas, high risk pregnancies, the neo-natal specialty, epidurals, dilations and more. We used a birthing simulator and got to see tools that OB’s and OBGYN’s use….. like forceps and how to properly use them. We then got to learn how to suture (do stitches) on pigs feet after making incisions in their skin and tissue. We learned how to do different kinds of sutures and we were allowed to take some stitch packs and tools home. The Alverez’s were wonderful and the whole morning was really intresting and hands on. Then we went in person to Dr. McLlevens Carolina Hearing Clinic. We took a few zooms from there and talked to doctors doing critical care and hospital medicine/general medicine. Dr. Fan was really kind and told us really intresting stories about his experiences in the ER. Next Dr. McLleven came in and put on some surgery videos he had created. We watched a right laser stapedotomy and a tympanoplasty, then we watched him remove a brain tumor from behind someone’s ear. Watching the surgeries was really insightful for us because we got to see how it really worked and the impact he made on those patients. Because hearing is such an important sense. An intresting fact is that the tumor surgery took him 6 hours in total!! I have included pictures below!

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