Day 4 – LLUNs or LLINs? Moving Away From Chemically Treated Mosquito Nets

Today while doing more research about the use of mosquito nets in sub-Saharan Africa I stumbled upon the heated debate between using LLUNs or LLINs. LLUN stands for long-lasting untreated nets while LLIN stands for long-lasting insecticidal nets. The main difference between the two types of mosquito nets is that LLINs are treated with insecticides while LLUNs are insecticide free. Proponents of LLUNs argue that mosquitos are becoming resistant to the chemicals used to treat LLINs, so instead of waiting for science to innovate more insecticides we should be utilizing untreated nets that offer the same protection as LLINs. The article I read made a lot of great points about the importance of implementing LLUNs that paired great with my research about the dangers of permethrin since it is a chemical that is commonly used in insecticides and to treat mosquito nets. After today, our research has mostly been finalized so now all that’s left to do is to work on the presentation!

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