Day 3: Vector Textiles Environmental Modeling, Researching Indirect Impact of Permethrin on Humans

Today was mainly focused on researching the indirectly impacts of the chemical Permethrin on humans. We had a check in media with Mr. Self do discuss what we had accomplished so far and what we were aiming to complete in the coming days. Today’s research was extremely interesting. I was expecting to find basic information about how Permethrin affects animals, and how those animals might come into contact with humans and harm them. However, my research eventually took me to looking at the exporting and importing levels of fish in sub-Saharan Africa. Since sub-Saharan Africa is one of the main exporters of capture catch fish in the world, I was able to calculate the amount of people worldwide that could be affected by Permethrin being introduced into sub-Saharan Africa. I had no idea the consequences would be so wide spread. I can’t wait to dive deeper into this research tomorrow!

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