After we learned the basics of pipetting in the morning, we met with Dr. Pandi again, and he introduced us to our individual research projects that we will be doing over the remainder of the week. He assigned us each a specific class of compounds/effects to study: JR will be studying the CB1 cannabinoid receptor, Julia will be studying the CB2 cannabinoid receptor, and Alekh will be studying the specific molecule CBD (Cannabidiol). To complete these projects, Dr. Pandi directed us to the research databases of the American Chemical Society, the American Institute of Biological Sciences, and other academic journals. He also lent us two books on the history, development, and implications of CBD-based pain management solutions. Over the next few days, the three of us will continue to deep-dive into our respective research areas, culminating in a presentation to Dr. Pandi with our findings at the end of this week. This will serve as the theory-based portion of our time at IPS, and will supplement the lab-based experiences we will continue to have.