To start off our day at Integrated Pain Solutions, we decided to apply our acquired knowledge of urine analysis screens for drugs with Calculus. For screening urine samples for drugs, the samples are placed into a machine that ionizes the drugs. Through vibrational frequencies, other molecules in the urine are blow out of the sample, leaving only narcotics. Then using argon gas, the samples are fragmented and recorded by mass spectroscopy. To analyze the concentration of the drug, the mass spectroscopy curve is compared to the control set beforehand through the area under the curve or AUC. Then, the AUC of the sample is compared to the control to determine the % concentration, depicting if the patient has legal amounts of sample. Today, we decided to hand-integrate equations that match a typical curve for the machine to determine our hypothetical % concentration. In our sample, we calculated 79.0% compared to the control, which was a great trial.