Work Experience Program with Lenovo- Day 1

Alright, so this is a blog. That I am writing. Nice.

Now that that introductions out of the way, let’s start talking about what I did today with Mr. Greyson Davis and my WEP-Buddies, Sarah, Rohan, and Jack! The answer is mostly just learning about what we’re doing for the rest of the WEP. That being NFT!

Now, that begs the question for all of you less-tech-literate out there: what is NFT? Well, sit back and let me tell you. (As I act so high and mighty despite learning all of this literally a few hours prior). NFT stands for a non-fungible token, and it’s essentially a piece of media tied to a blockchain that says, “Yo! This thing is unique!” The NFT’s are then sold for prices because they’re unique. This entire thing relies entirely on the same principle as other cryptocurrencies, that being the fact that they’re only worth exactly what people are willing to pay for them.

Now, what I’ve been researching is how to create an NFT. I’m out of space for today, but enjoy a picture of the future NFT Howard!

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