Day 1- Meeting Mr. Markham

Today Travis, Miles, and I met via zoom with Mr. Markham a professor and lawyer at the University Of North Carolina Chapel Hill. We introduced ourselves and began to discuss what we can expect going further with the work experience.

As a group, we individually are going to explore pieces of Senate Bill 300 that interest us the most. We split the dense bill into 3 sections which after reading over the bill you can then choose to dive deeper and answer some research questions revolving around that section that interests you the most. Section one is about ankle satellite monitoring of sex defenders and if it is constitutional. Section two is law enforcement reform and increasing precautions in law enforcement fields. And lastly, section three is exploring over-criminalization which is trying to discourage civil crimes from being put on people’s records for life.

Mr. Markham also shared that we may have the opportunity to visit the General Assembly sometime next week as well as listen in on a court case.

– gabriella

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