Day 7

I am so sad that today is my last day in the lab. Jessie first started the day by informing me on the results of the experiments from yesterday. Unfortunately, because their were no colonies on the plate it was concluded that the results of the experiment were mostly inconclusive. The source of error Jessie believes may have caused their to be no colonies could have been to the fact that the antibiotics in the agar plates were not strong enough. As a result, for most of the morning Jessie and I created new agar plates for the bacteria colonies to grow on. After we finished creating the new plates, Jessie started the procedure of re-plating the bacteria onto the plates. Hopefully the experiment will be successful next time! Once this work was done, I finished my day by looking at my design of the NC State logo with cyanobacteria. The progress was so amazing to see. In almost 1 week there were colonies of bacteria growing around the logo I drew on the plate!


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