Last Day

Today was kind of bittersweet.  It was a really good day; however, I was kind of sad about having to leave.  I also got to sit in on a teacher meeting and it was really interesting.  They were making classes of students for next year and there more factors then I would have thought.

The kid were pretty well behaved today.  There were some kids that were out sick today (cross your fingers I don’t get sick).  There was also another girl that I’m pretty sure was sick today.  Other than that it was a really good day.

I was super proud of this one boy for doing so good on his spelling and he wrote down five sentences and didn’t forget punctuation for any of them!  There wasn’t a lot of tears today but there were a lot of hugs.  Also it wasn’t EOG day so that was awesome.  We got normal recess and a break for lunch and specials.  So overall it was a super day.

I am going to really miss all the kids.  I can’t imagine how hard it is for the teachers to leave them after being with them for a whole year.  All the students are so sweet and they are all super talented.  Kindergarten looks a lot different then when we were in kindergarten.  It’s a lot harder and there isn’t much playtime.  The kids do so good with the hard work and  and even though they made mistakes they are all kind.  For example when Louis lost his eraser all five girls at his table pulled out there and helped him erase his sentence.  Marcus hugs everyone before they leave and always tells them they did a good job.  For only being six, a lot of times they are kinder and more helpful than high school kids or even adults.  I wish i could be in kindergarten for a little bit longer.

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