Day 8

On my last day with Carolina Ear and Hearing Clinic, it was a slow day in the office, and really it was just a day of few appointments and hanging out. We spent the majority of the day once again without Dr. McElveen, as he was in surgery again. For fun, the office ran some of their tests on me, including their SOT test which serves as a test for people with challenged balance due to some ear problem. Funnily enough, going into the test, as an athlete and as someone with good enough balance (or so I thought), it was actually challenging and very disorienting. After a few tests for fun, we all had lunch together and then I said my goodbyes to everyone in the office, as I had actually had a very fun time working with them and helping them along with their work. Unfortunately, I was not able to see Dr. McElveen today on my last day very much, as he dropped in real quick and then left, but thankfully I said my goodbyes on Tuesday in the OR. Overall, this week was very interesting and definitely introduced me to things I had never before seen, and I am very thankful for the opportunity that I was given.

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