Day 8

Today was a very bittersweet day, filled with goodbyes. However, before we get there, we still had many patients to see. There was a patient with an abnormal SPEP test, which basically measures the proteins in your blood. She had several antibodies that were being produced in excess, but this is never caused by cancer. She has rheumatoid arthritis, so it makes sense that she would have multiple proteins produced in excess. The case was pretty normal, but it was interesting because her primary doctor and Dr. Eisenbeis disagreed, so it was hard to convince the patient that she was in fact fine. Another sad case was that a man with breast cancer, which is pretty rare but possible, was in worse shape because he was barely eating or drinking any water. He could barely stand, and stayed in bed 24/7 for the past week. But, it wasn’t as severe as it looked, because it seemed like the problem was mainly coming from dehydration and lack of food, which were easy fixes and were good news because that meant that the cancer wasn’t getting worse and causing this.

I also got to see another bone marrow biopsy today, but there was more blood involved this time around. This lady’s bone was not as easy to reach, so many attempts were made. It made me a little queasy to see so many needles (BIG NEEDLES) being stuck in the same spot.

Overall, this experience has been amazing and so memorable, and it definitely furthered my interest in cancer. I think that cancer is such an unknown and always changing field, that maybe in 10 years, there may be a cure. But for now, a patient’s best shot is the treatment and care these doctors provide, and they are some of the kindest, most understanding, most helpful people you will ever meet. Doctors are real life heroes, and every day, they change lives.

Fun Facts – last one 🙁

  • Rheumatoid arthritis causes an overproduction if many antibodies in the body.
  • Everyone has had cancer sometime in their lifetime, or cancerous cells, but usually, our immune system can fight it off and we won’t know.
  • Pediatric oncology is a separate profession and is drastically different.
  • UNC Rex has some of the kindest, most welcoming, most inspirational nurses and doctors.

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