Day 7

Today was the 7th day of the internship. Today was an important day but wasn’t as packed as some of the other days in the past two weeks. I started my morning the same way that I have every other day and checked the progress. I was slightly bummed to see that the urgent tasks that we had listed weren’t finished yet, but I think that is something that the engineer heading the project will take care of during his work day.

After that and checking my emails I got ready and headed out for downtown durham. I had an 9:30am meeting at WeWork with Taylor and Alicia to look at the possible work spaces. When I got there I was surprised to see Dr. Mac there! I wasn’t expecting him to be there but I was happy to share everything I had learned and all the cool stuff I was doing. After talking to him for a bit Alicia and Taylor arrived and there we met with the organizer, Stephanie, and she showed us the building again to refresh our memory. It was really cool to see the space again and I look forward to working there in the summer.

We then walked to the new building and saw the spaces that were under construction. The new building opens on July 1st so it is really getting close to the grand opening. After our meeting I drove back home and then worked from home. The time flexibility is really cool and I enjoy having this level of freedom.

Tomorrow I know I have a couple of meetings that I will sit in on, and I think that I might meet up with Alicia and Taylor at some point.

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