It’s Good Their Cute

Today was a… how should we put it… long day.  EOG round three.  Today i endured a lot of tears, crazy children, and two tantrums.  Yes not one but two!

The poor kids were super antsy today since it was the third day of them not having recess until 3 o’clock and no specials.  That means that they don’t have much of a break all day, because of this the kids tend to get in trouble more.  They misbehave and the kids tend to get upset easier.

Tantrum number one:

This little girl was upset most of the day.  She pouted when we was told to sit in her chair the correct way.  She cried when we was sent to her table more misbehaving.  However, later in the day the kids had to do a short (2 problem) math test (to sent to their first grade teachers).  The first problem was a subtraction and the second problem was an addition problem.  Since they are only in kindergarten the teachers have to read the problems outloud to them.  Victoria said the answer to the first problem outloud and she knew better (they’d been doing this all year long).  So she had to move her clip down from “good effort” to “ready to learn” and man she had a tantrum.  She yelled and cried.  She was so loud that the special ed teacher from the opposite side of the hallway heard her and came as backup.  To say the least it was rough.

Tantrum number two:

This particular boy is in the specials needs class and the poor thing has a few triggers.  One of them happens to be broccoli.  Since it was broccoli day in the lunchroom the girl sitting next to him got some.  He screamed and cried.  I feel so bad for him because he was so upset.  However, you can’t isolate him from broccoli because he needs to learn to deal with these thing when he is in the regular classroom full time next year. So, we tried to see if he would calm down if he sat there for a while.  He cried the whole time and I stood there saying “Lincoln you’re okay” and finally we had to move him so he would eat something.

The rest of the day:

It was a pretty normal day.  We tried to keep the kids busy and not throw them off their schedule anymore then EOGs already did, but it was still long.  The kids were still sweet and it wasn’t all bad.  The girls were all very excited because I painted my nails rainbow.  The kids also got a dance break and they got to draw some which is super fun.  We also watched magic school bus, which i learned there is a new version (which was definitely worse then the old one).  Can’t wait for tomorrow I just hope there are less tears tomorrow.

The new version of the magic school bus… weird
Monkey drawing one of the kids did.
“s” sounds worksheet.

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