General Assembly Day 6

The House calendar showing the transportation committee meeting and the bills they voted on.

Miss USA came to talk to the general assembly!

Let them spawn is HB 483

My day had a spawning start. Quite literally. At 10 we had a meeting with 2 lobbyists who were pushing for the let them spawn bill, which would force fishermen to throw back 75% of undersized fish who haven’t spawned fish babies yet. While it seems like something we should already be doing, Rep. Martin proposed some interesting questions such as what is the significance of 75%, what types of fish would this apply to, what his colleagues were saying, and would the marine biologist experts be involved? We both found it very cool that the lobbyists mentioned that one of the most influential and environmentally focused representatives opposed the bill. It gave them more credibility. After that meeting, we headed to the transportation committee meeting. I enjoyed seeing a committee meeting with very little dissent towards the bill. The committee debated and approved a bill placing stricter guidelines on paid car services such as lyft and uber so that the riders wouldn’t be placed in as much danger. This came about again after a South Carolina student was abused while riding in an Uber. These new rules force these companies to place license plate numbers on the front as well as the back of the car, have an illuminated company sign, and to display their car type color and a picture of the driver on the platform’s website. Last on the schedule for the day was session, where as usual the representatives voted on bills. I’m looking forward to tomorrow because we will be voting on the veto override bill (born alive abortion bill).

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