Day 6

Today was my second to last day at Curamericas! The time is just flying by and I’m actually going to miss it a bit. However, I might come back in during July to volunteer a little bit more as there is so much that I still want to do but I just don’t have the time. Today Ms. Eason came and visited us for a bit during our daily meeting and then I had to write my Intern-Duction which is a short bio about why I choose Curamericas and who I am. After that I met with Andrew and presented my powerpoint on the work Curamericas did in Guatemala that I had spent yesterday working on. I was super nervous, but all of my one-on-one Art History presentations had prepared me for this. He was impressed and wants to put a recording of the presentation on the youtube channel :0 . But before that can happen I had some corrections, additions and changes to make before I make the video tomorrow. Tomorrow will be my last day 🙁 which will be pretty bittersweet but I’ll be glad that I don’t have to drive nearly an hour to work and back everyday. The commute is no joke!

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