Mondays and Titles Aren’t Supposed To Be This Long, But This One Is: SAS Day 5

I further my green tea obsession by taking it one step up- it’s now unsweetened. It has lemonade in it. It’s overpriced. I’m paying 3$ for slightly flavored/colored water.

Today we were in building C for most of the day working on a marketing campaign and also a video for GatherIQ with Alyssa, Erin, and Elena. We spent most of the day working on a script and also recorded some clips for the video we’re making- video presentations got moved to Thursday (stay tuned, #everyDropMatters #hashtags ###hashtags 💦🌎⛲💧🌊)

>>>why is there no bucket emoji

I am excited for tomorrow, because I will be back in R amongst the throngs of the software and UI gods. Just kidding, I mean my mentor Leah, who I will probably be shadowing and eating lunch with for the rest of my time at SAS. My agenda is packed full of people, html, UI, and unexpected surprises, so I’m super excited.

“I went to SAS for 8 days and all I got (along with a really great experience in software/ux) was this cool GIQ shirt”


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enough said.

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