Generate Design Day 6

This morning, Tyler worked on variations for the Bugg Elementary school posters and picture formats. He said it was important to not give too many options to the client, because then they won’t be able to decide easily. You need to give them something to refuse, but keep it a concise range of options.

I met with Mr. Barth, Travis and Tyler after to discuss the Logo designs for Mark Christopher. They both had a range of designs they we discussed about, and they also talked about my designs, which they seem to like, so that’s a W for me. We talked about and gave feedback, and are going to continue building off the strongest ones to give in a presentation later on.

In the afternoon, I went with Brian and Mr. Barth to a presentation meeting for a report cover and content design discussion.

They gave them 3 design covers, and 3 inside designs that correlated with the covers. The client discussed which ones appealed to them the most and which ones were weaker for them. It was very insightful to get to see the whole process of the meeting, and understanding what tiny details to focus on or what they picked up on that I might not have. I’ve been able to go to a couple of the meetings that they’ve had, and i’m very grateful for the opportunity to observe these interactions.

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