Day Six: WRAL

Today I started the day by visiting Mandy Mitchell, who showed me the newsroom and explained to me her job at WRAL. It was really interesting to see the various ways that video is incorporated here at WRAL. For example, Mandy has a two-week turnaround, whereas much of the news team must turn around products the same day.

Then, I did a relatively irregular task: I de-bugged lights… literally. A recent shoot was near a river with a ton of bugs that flew into their lights, so we took the lights apart and cleaned out all the bugs! Then we took a break for lunch, and I ate outside by the gardens!

When we returned, I met with Allison Blevins, who is a local producer who creates commercials for nearby businesses. Finally, I ended the day with a tour of MIX 101.5, the radio station (which is in a nearby facility).

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