Day 6 – DeVivo and Sams

Today I was back at the General Assembly working with the lobbyists, Ms. DeVivo and Ms. Sams. We started off the day helping chiropractors who are now lobbying to government officials to consider chiropractics as a means to help with the opioid crisis. Today was one of their first days on the job, so Ms. DeVivo and Ms. Sams gave them some pointers as to how to approach representatives and make sure their voices are heard.

After that, we went to meet with Representative Tillman to discuss something that we would like changed in the budget regarding a education client that we have. We then waited outside the House to catch a Representative on his way out to discuss the same budget change that we would like.

We ended the day looking over client emails and dropping in Representatives’ offices to convey any last minute messages to them regarding the client emails we just received.

Group of chiropractors

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