Day 6

Team Mawan met Mr. Self at HQ Raleigh this morning to discuss our plans for the next three days. We established that on Thursday we would present to Mr. Self a complete power point with a summary of all of our work over the past eight days. We all offered our input into the redesigning of the Vector Textiles logo as Amy worked to create new ideas for the logo and for the clothing “hang” tag. We worked on our power point by using a shared document online. We constructed an outline for every potential market that Vector Textiles might be interested in pursuing. Vector Textiles’ technology has great potential to address a lot of significant markets and solve a lot of problems in America and throughout the world. When we met with Mr. Self, he told us that this power point could be used by himself to present to other professionals, so we want to make sure it is up to a professional business standard. We plan to continue to work on it tomorrow and incorporate parts of it into our presentations to our fellow students and faculty in the Cary Academy Community.

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