Today we were scheduled to go to a NC State laboratory and take a tour of a lab. To be as economically efficient as possible, Amy Han and I carpooled there. We put in the address and were off to find the mosquito lab. As we arrived, we were confused and couldn’t find the lab. But, we persevered, and continued to the dirt path greeting us as we arrived at our “destination”. Our GPS ended up taking us to the edge of a lake, and we were bamboozled. We turned around, and it turned out we were in a restricted employee area. This meant that there was a closed gate at the exit, and we didn’t know what to do. Luckily however, it was a motion sensor gate and we were able to get out.
We finally arrived to the correct destination and a grad student, Grayson, gave us a tour of the laboratory. He answered our questions, and this was an overall good experience.