Unfortunately, I could not attend the SAS work experience on day 4. However, on day 5, I caught up with my group. We were tasked to come up with a video campaign that will spread awareness about the unfortunate lack of access in many areas of the world, while focusing on the global goal.
Targets of the Global Goal:
6.1 – Provide safe and affordable drinking water
- Improve access to safe water
6.3 – Improve the quality, treatment, and reuse of water
- Reduce pollution
- Eliminate dumping waste
- Minimize the release of chemicals into the water
- Increase recycling of water
6.4 – Increase efficiency and supplies
- Ensure sustainable withdrawals of water
- Address the scarcity of water in some countries
6.5 – Water resource management
- Managing water sources and keeping them clean and healthy
My partners, Alyssa Thompson, Erin Singleton, and Anna Cheng, and I came up with the “Every Drop Challenge” in which 2 people see how well they can hold around 40 pounds of water, just like many in Africa, who have to carry this for more 4 miles at a time. We hope that this has potential to go viral with the hashtag #EveryDropMatters. We also challenged our audience to participate without wasting any clean water and donating to respective water donation companies!
Even though this video was produced in just a few days time, we hope this will inspire marketing campaigns for GatherIQ at SAS. I feel extremely fortunate to be a part of a process that could change people’s lives around the world!