My focus today was on the internal database tool. I got the serverless AWS backend setup with an automatic GitLab database runner, but encountered a few problems regarding python default dependencies not installing correctly. We solved this by first changing from installing these dependencies during the deploy stage of the pipeline and instead changing the deploy image in the .gitlab-ci.yml file from a default python one to a specialized image hosted by nikolaik (specifically python3.7-nodejs8). Second, there were a few dependencies still left out of the nikolaik image (such as pyscopg2), so these dependencies were simply added into the GitLab project individually. After a quick lunch, I moved on to removing the AWS and SQL database login credentials from the publicly visible parts of the GitLab project and changed them to being injected into the pipeline at the deploy stage as environmental variables and referenced in variable name form when the serverless application is launched and when the python script attempts a login of the SQL database. By the end of the day this was all finished, and the first few test commands were outputting!