Friday at the Office!

Friday at the office was nice short and sweet appointments. The day consisted of a few follow up appointments and only one initial appointment. The first appointment I sat in with was a follow up about 2 weeks after receiving the meal plan. The patient was sticking to the plan, tracking, and overall was starting to feel better. During the appointment I learned a little more about how the meal plan is actual used at home and was able to better understand the numbers and how they came up with them. The second appointment I sat in with was also a follow up appointment. This patient was more energetic and was a fun person to talk with. The patient was a “newbie” when it came to nutrition, so she was very avid about taking notes and asking questions. She truly wanted to understand more about how the plan was working and understand macro/micro nutrients and their important purposes. Both the follow up appointments took about an hour, which felt a lot faster than the initial appointments, which in my opinion were long to sit and observe through but very useful.

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