Day 5

Today was filled with more sick calls and wellness checks. I spent my day with Dr. Zimmerman as Dr. Seidel was out of office. Because Dr. Zimmerman doesn’t normally work Monday’s we had more sick visits than anything. Our morning started early with a little girl who had fallen off her bed during the night and had an abrasion on her eyelid. After heavy examination (eye tests as well as feeling it) it was determined that it was just a minor cut. Dr. Zimmerman expects it to bruise over the next few days before it starts looking better. On top of this today I got to witness a case where translation was needed. This created more complications because we had to have multiple people in the room and someone was always talking. The appointments always take longer because it is like saying every sentence twice – once in english and once in spanish. The translator though was very nice to both Dr. Zimmerman and the family. Aside from this we saw multiple pink eye cases and sore throats. Pink eye is interesting because there is no test that can be used to determine positive or negative. It is simply diagnosed by observation. The eye becomes slightly pink or red and gunk tends to build up around the eye either during the day or sleep. (See photo below). I had a great day today and can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds.

Related image the top right is an example of typical pink eye. The bottom left would be that of a viral infection and the bottom right is one with allergies.

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