Day 4 at SAS

Today is day 4 of my work experience at SAS. Instead of all of us separating into different departments, we all convened to receive a presentation by a team that worked on an app called GatherIQ. GaterIQ is an app that gives insights on some of the world’s biggest problems and help to create world change. Just by learning about the information on the app, you are able to collect coins that convert to real money and can go directly to a non-profit organization. After the presentation, we split up into groups to act as testers for the app and give some options and feedback as to the usability and interface design parts of the app.

In the evening, we split up into groups to work on individual projects. The project is about creating a video that could go viral to help create awareness of a pressing issue and change. We will finish the project on Monday and hope it will turn out as fantastic as the ice bucket challenge videos.

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