Day 4- NCFC

When I arrived at NCFC this morning, all seemed to be normal. Everyone was working away, even though it was a bit quieter, due to the men and the women not playing at home this week. I sat down to make a few calls as I previously did yesterday, but about an hour after I started, my boss Brad came in yelling “Victor, come outside and help me with the grill!” This started my wild adventure with being a helper for the office cookout.

I only grill occasionally, so I was shocked when I was told by Brad that he wanted me to help him grill the burgers and hot dogs for the lunch. However, as the intern, I’m here to do everything, so I got started right away. I didn’t actually end up grilling anything, but I helped carry everything out, get stuff set up, and by about noon, we had food on the table, and the whole office staff, from operations to media to ticket sales out in the parking lot. We shot hoops, kicked the soccer ball around, talked about the upcoming matches this weekend, and club captain Austin Da Luz even stopped by to say hello!

After getting my fill of burgers, hot dogs, chips, and cake for lunch, I trickled back in with the rest of the office to complete a little more work before heading home for the weekend. I spent a little more time doing more sales calls, before Brad told me I could go ahead and go home. It’s been a really fun first week at NCFC, and I’ve learned a lot about how a pro sports organization works, and how much effort it takes to get the fans in the stands for each match.

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