Day 4

Thank goodness today wasn’t an EOG day! Finally we had a normal schedule for once.  We did math, writing, and reading!

We started our day off with the morning sound like normal and a few kids shared what they did after school yesterday.  These consisted of “snuggling with my mommy”, “feeding my baby brother” and “I got ice cream”.  Then we did positivity project (our word of the week is curiosity) and they learned about what that mean and we watched a little video.  Afterwards we started our worksheets (they are attached below) starting with the “th” side and then the “ish”/ “ash” .  I helped some kids that did understand and then corrected their worksheet.  Then we did a worksheet where we corrected the sentences.  Then lunch and specials.

Since we didn’t have EOGs the teachers got a break, which they were very excited about.  After specials they finished their worksheets and we read them another book.  It’s so cute how focused they get when listening to a book.  Today we read “if you give a Moose a Muffin”.

It’s Math time! Today we played a game where two students went up to the whiteboard and they were given a problem.  For example, write the number 13 and the first student to write it and get it right got 2 points.  If the other student got it right they got 1 point and if they didn’t get it right they got 0 points.  It was really fun and the kids got very excited about the game.  Then we had recess and snack.

During snack time, the girl that did her student teaching in their classroom came back to visit.  It was so nice to see how connected she was to the kids after almost a whole year and how excited the kids were to see her.  They all made her a birthday card and lined up to hug her.  The relationship between the teachers and students is so great.  The kids don’t just see their teachers as a teacher but also a friend.

Can’t wait for Monday!!!!

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