Day 4

Today at SAS all of the Cary Academy students got together to receive a presentation on SAS’s app GatherIQ, an app that connects the user to some of the most pressing issues in the world and gives them the ability to educate themselves while contributing to the causes. For the first half of the day, we acted as functional testers- judging the application based on appearance, functionality, and how easy it was to use. We filled out surveys and were able to communicate directly with those in charge of the product.

We ate lunch in building R, where the presentations were being held- and it was also my first day in building R, which is used primarily for research and development. It had a very nice open plan with an enormous lobby- different from other buildings we’ve seen at SAS.

After lunch, we reconvened and started our next project- the development of a video in order to spread awareness about a certain issue. We split up into three teams and began brainstorming for what we could do to help get the message “out there”. On Monday we will continue and hopefully finish this video and see what it can accomplish.

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