Day 4

Today was my last day at EIG Electrical Systems. The first couple of hours was taken up by a presentation given by some EIG employees to DPR employees. The objective of the presentation was to demonstrate the capabilities and operations of EIG and to illustrate the difficulties of electrical work to non-electrical tradesmen. The first hour and a half or so was taken up by an exceedingly boring PowerPoint presentation. The rest of the presentation was a demonstration of the difficulty of fishing wire through long conduits with more than 360 degrees of bend. After the presentation, I helped to clean up the office. Jonathan showed me some electrical plans, and then we ordered lunch. After lunch, I built a prefabricated electrical device that is UL listed. EIG prefabricates devices like these to reduce the amount of work at the job site, which reduces labor cost. Since the devices are UL listed and sealed with a UL label, the devices also don’t have to be inspected, which saves even more time. After I helped put away tools, it was time to leave.

Presentation attendees getting ready to fish wire through the demonstration table that I helped construct
A prefab electrical device partway through assembly
The finished prefab device, complete with UL seal

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