NCMA Day 3

To start off my third day at the North Carolina Museum of Art, I finished checking floor plans for the galleries I hadn’t gotten to yesterday, a task that only took about half an hour. After that, I spent my day bouncing between different members of the design team, helping with odd jobs and tasks. I helped Rand and David move display cases, moved furniture out of Gallery 4 with Clare, and put up labels for artwork with Sean.

I was able to get a tour of the conservation department, whose current big project is a marble statue called Bacchus. His torso and head are ancient Roman, his legs and one of his arms are from the Renaissance, and his other arm is being built by the museum now in order to display the full statue. I was also able to walk around the African galleries, parts of which are being rearranged next week.

A piece in the African gallery, imitating the style of El Anatsui as a reflection of the viewer

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