In the morning, I continued shadowing a few different physical therapists; each has different methods and insights to offer. The patients had injuries of the glutes, back, neck, shoulder, and wrist. In the past couple days, I haven’t been able to do very much because much of the work done here needs certification such as touching patients, teaching exercises, and giving information. The other manual work such as cleaning, washing and folding towels, taking over exercises, and putting together heat and ice packs is usually done by the other interns, known as “technicians”, who are physical therapists in training. However, today I was able to learn how to make a heat pack: place a hot pack from the steamer in a wrap, then place a towel on it for an extra layer of protection. I talked to a few of the patients and watched more dry needling. Although I’ve had dry needling done on me before, I had always been scared of needles and wasn’t able to watch it. However, after extensive viewing of patients having needles stuck into their various muscles, I have gained an understanding of some of the science behind it, and therefore have become less scared of watching it being done on other people.