Day 2

I began the day by meeting Thomasi, the new staff writer who just moved to Indy Week from the News and Observer. I’ll be working on stories with him for the rest of the internship, looking into Durham politics, crime, and court cases.

For most of the day, I researched Durham crime rates in an effort to eventually understand the patterns of crime that are shaping the city. Lara and I, along with another writer, took over Indy Week’s conference/meeting room for the day, and the two of us compiled our information into a masterlist. We also sat in on a staff meeting, during which we learned about a myriad of local news stories.

Later that afternoon, Lara and I took a break from our work to go out to lunch at B. Good, which was — like yesterday’s lunch — absolutely delicious. We did have to evacuate due to a fire drill, but we grabbed drinks for the road and headed back to the newsroom.

When we got back, Lara picked up working with the food editor and I kept working on Durham news. Tomorrow, I’ll hopefully get to head down to the courthouse to look through some case files!

A few of the articles that we printed and sorted through as we researched a feature.
Lara and I got to eat at B. Good!

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