Day 2

My second day was with Dr. Tyler Cope again, and I also did one session with Dr. Kristina Wulff when Dr. Cope’s patient cancelled. I was surprised after seeing over the past two days how many people cancel their appointments the day of or just don’t show up. I got to see how more of the machines were used, and how different weights are utilized. Dr. Cope also had me do some exercises with the patient so I could feel what muscles it was working.

A leg press machine.

Today the patients were a bit more engaging, and it was nice to talk to them and hear about their journey whether they were 2 or 12 weeks out. One patient in particular was a very successful scientist turned business manager, so he had some very interesting life advice to share with the college intern and me. The patient I saw with Dr. Wulff was older, and very reluctant to do the exercises, but got through them all with a little complaining. He told me he hated doing the exercises but it all paid off in the end. Overall, I learned that one of the most important things to do as a PT is to create a safe trusting environment for your patient and to communicate effectively.

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