Today we visited stores for our field research. We split up into 2 teams and ventured off to various outdoor activities stores in Cary, Raleigh, and Apex. Will & Scott and Adam & I each went to different stores and scouted out the possible competition and interviewed customers.

We talked to sales associates and some customers to get a better profile of the popularity of bug-resistant clothing and the average consumer profile. All of the people we talked to were very friendly and seemed interested in an all-organic product. Will and Scott interviewed an avid outdoorsman who seemed eager for a non-chemical product, since the chemical used to treat clothes, permethrin, is a toxin to the human body and sometimes a skin irritant. We also learned that if someone wanted to treat their own clothing by spraying permethrin, it would only last 6 washes, not to mention the toxic fumes that could damage the body.

All the stores carried bug spray, and with our research yesterday, we were able to better interpret the data we collected at stores. I realized that going to the store and talking in real life was much more effective than sending out online surveys, even though the technology is considered more effective. For example, we did not even realize there were any bug resistant clothing at Bass Pro Shops until we stepped into the store.
The main takeaway from our field research was the fact that there were no organic products that are effective in the bug resistant clothing market. Even though there were some organic sprays, they had to be reapplied more often. Chemically treated clothing only lasted 70 washes, hence, there was no permanent solution for bug resistant clothing.

Working with a team is much more efficient as well, and being able to split up and cover twice as many stores were the most effective method in order to finish up our work.
Mr. Self checked in with us at the end of the day and we made a brief presentation to explain or data and provide a quick analysis of our conclusions. He was very impressed with the work we were able to get done in one day. Cary Academy prepared us well for giving effective presentations and expressing our thoughts.
Overall, it was a tiring but rewarding day. Mr. Self wants us to further study bug resistant netting for beds and plants. I am glad we were able to fulfill his expectations and more. Excited for Day 3!