Day 2 at SAS

Today Elena and I came in bright and eyed and bushy tailed ready to start the day. I was excited to learn more about RSQ and the different departments that all need to work together to make it run. We spent the first 30 minutes in a meeting with a consulting architect that specialized in the RSQ department. He told us all about how different types of consultants have different responsibilities and through that, we learned exactly what his job does. We learned that being a consultant for a software company is very different from marketing consulting or strategy consulting. We then spent the next hour or so in a team meeting with our host, Pauline Ashcraft. We got to meet her team and learn about what each of them does to pull their own weight. After lunch, we met with Rani, a coworker of Pauline’s that works right down the hall. She gave us insight into her career path and how she assembled her resume to get to where she is today. Our conversation quickly digressed as we discussed colleges and majors, all helpful nonetheless.

notes taken by me during team meeting

whiteboard explanation during meeting with architect consultant

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