Day 1 General Assembly

Lee (Left) Chris (right) and I. Team Martin!

Office Tag


House of Representatives Floor and Voting Board

My day started out searching for a parking space amid parking decks, and paid parking lots before I realized that I had been gifted a free parking pass! The only problem; I would have to put my parallel parking skills to the test. After figuring out the best way to park, and making my way through security I walked full circle before finding Representative Martin’s office. Upon arrival I was cheerfully greeted by Rep. Martin’s legislative assistant (LA) Chris. With his intern Lee, we looked into the few committee meetings of the day and plotted my schedule. Chris and I accompanied Rep. Martin to his meeting on appropriations for transportation (meaning money for transportation) where the passed 2 bills allowing RV sales to be conducted similar to that of an auto sale. After that we headed back to the Office. Rep. Martin had a closed meeting in a different building that I couldn’t attend but I enjoyed spending time with Chris and Lee. We walked to the Department of Military Veterans Affairs to deliver a package, and talked about our families, hopes and dreams. After waiting about 2 hours for them to respond to emails from constituents, we all enjoyed Bojangles for lunch. After lunch we attended the Senate Appropriations on Education meeting which was a lot of numbers. Thankfully Rep. Martin was able to explain what some of the words and symbols meant beforehand so I had a better understanding. After the meeting it was straight to the chamber for the floor session where all of the representatives gathered to vote on bills (most with little dissent). Once the session was over, Rep. Martin and I discussed what had happened as well as my plans for the next day. Overall I am very excited for this opportunity to work closely with Rep. Martin, and love the people I get to interact with.

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