In my fantasy of what it means to be a lawyer I failed to account for one incredibly important thing… Paper. Upon my arrival at Polanco Law, P.C. I was confronted with a stack, no rather a mountain, of papers and files. At first, I’ll admit, I was disappointed. I was ready to meet with clients, discuss current events surrounding immigration, and eventually head to court! The papers in front of me seemed far less glamorous than what I had imagined and I braced myself for two weeks of boring, bland, paperwork. As I worked my way through the mountain I found myself dragging my feet less and less as I became engrossed in the stories and cases I was reading. the majority of which must remain between the firm and its clients. As I became acclimated to the language of each case, new frustrations began to rise. These frustrations, however, were not directed at the masses of papers waiting to be alphabetized, but rather the intricacies of the situations clients were in, intricacies that seemed to hurl prospective immigrants towards failure. I eventually made it through a good 27% of the paper mountain, but I also gained a fairly strong understanding of the task I have set out to undertake. It looks a lot less like the glamorous one I had imagined in the days leading up the Work Experience, but I can already tell it will be an incredible, and probably frustrating, two weeks.


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