WEP Raleigh Ortho – Day 1

Today was my first day at the Raleigh Orthopedic Clinic and overall it was a very interesting experience! In total, I saw about 20 cases with Dr. Logel ranging from torn or sore Achilles tendons to crushed ankles to crooked toes. I think one of the most interesting cases that I saw today was a case where the patients ankle was crushed between pipes and was left with little to no mobility. He came into the clinic today for a checkup, but ended up needing his caseworker to come in and help get a note proving that he was immobile and needed to find a new job. It was interesting to learn that there are programs that help you find a new job when you are permanently injured, and help train you quickly. Another interesting case that I enjoyed to see was a patient that had a “reverse bunion”, so instead of her toes being forced inwards, they were all forced outwards. She had a realignment surgery that straightened her big toe and shaved off bone of her other toes so they would lay evenly. I had never really thought about realigning your toes, but it was interesting to see how it was done, the x-rays of before and after, and the recovery process as she had recently had the surgery. Lastly, I dove right into the real world of office life today as we had one patient who was very frustrated that she had to wait for her appointment and proceeded to yell at Dr. Logel, saying how disrespectful it was that he made her wait and that her ankle wasn’t in any pain anymore. I had forgotten that there are some very interesting and rude people in the world and it was great to see the way Dr. Logel handled the situation. Overall, it was a very informational and interesting experience and I’m excited to put the material I have learned today into surgery tomorrow!

It’s official! (Can’t take many pictures due to patient privacy)
Raleigh Orthopedics

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