Day 1

Today was my first day at Curamericas Global! Curamericas is a nonprofit organization working to save the lives of women and children in low-income countries around the world through improved health education and access to high-quality services. Since today was our first day, we mostly had orientation. We first met with the Executive Director Andrew Herrera to talk about the mission of Curamericas and why we chose to work there. Then I read through a bunch of orientation materials. After the pseudo-orientation we got to experience the daily team meeting where every member of the team who is working that day comes together for a big group meeting and discusses what they are currently working on and what they while be working on in the future. Andrew (everyone goes by their first name since its a small office) gives feedback and also talks about upcoming projects or events he needs people to work on. After the daily team meeting I started going through the youtube videos on the Curamericas channel and writing down comments for how I think some of the videos could be improved. After doing that for a little while Casey and I went to Happy + Hale to get lunch! It was hot outside but the food was good. After lunch we came back and I worked through some more videos. To close out the day I started working on my SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound) goals for what I wanted to do and get out of this internship. All in all today was somewhat slow but I’m excited to see what happens tomorrow!

Oh! And I met Jack. He’s a cute little black and white dog (kind of loud when he meets new people). One of the volunteers brought him to hang out after lunch. It took a little while (and a lot of petting), but after getting to know me he calmed down a bit.

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