Day 6 – Intro to IT

Today was my first day in IT. I started off the morning by getting to meet Sarah Betz, a person who oversees a team of enterprise business analysts. She said that at first, she got a degree in journalism economics at UNC. So, she didn’t know that she would ever end up at SAS. So, at the end of the day, one of the main takeaways I learned was to just keep learning, working hard, and following my passion and I will end up in the right job for me. Then I sat in on a meeting with Ms. Bettz’ very friendly team and they talked about what IT does and what their goals are. They make SAS’s software compatible with businesses and they update and make changes and make bug fixes. This group also makes sure data is what they want from customers and that it’s clear. During lunch, I met with Andy, another IT worker and he explained how he got to SAS which was after he learned he likes to manage other people’s projects. After lunch, I met with Bill Mckeown who taught me more about IT and gave me an overview of his career. He explained how he used to work with data centers and how customers use SAS’s data centers.

After that, I met with Randy Wilcox who taught me about his job. Randy was a DBA (database administer). However, it is more like “Does ‘Bout Anything.” He managed and protected customers data, assisted RnD and helped with their optimization, and he helps sales through engineering of projects. He also showed me a little computer that had old arcade games on it that he plays on for fun from time to time.

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