Day 2 – Introduction to SAS Software/CECL

This morning I showed up a little late because I misheard Ms. Hager when she told me what building to show up to yesterday. I originally came to T when I should have gone to C, however, this wasn’t a huge deal as I parked and I came in near the beginning of the meeting. The presenter was very lively and engaging and it he made it very easy for me to be engaged and interested in learning about a new topic that I was unfamiliar with. Basically, he was teaching all ten or so people in the room the importance of calculating expected credit loss when customers default on loans. They used many different acronyms that were really unfamiliar to me, but I tried my best to understand what was going on. I participated in a presentation with three other employees on how we would pitch SAS’s CECL product (a model to precisely predict expected credit loss on defaults) to a CFO of a target business. I learned many key presenting points such as the “Tell, Show, and Tell method,” and how important it is to use repetition to emphasize the main point of your talk. My group’s presentation went well and later at lunch I met with college interns and talked with them and then I ate lunch with the Pre-Sales team I was working with before lunch. After lunch, I went back upstairs to the conference room and continued to learn more in-depth aspects of CECL and how it is helpful for businesses. Their CECL program will launch by Jan 1st 2020, so SAS needs to finish up the software and find get in contact with potential clients between now and then.

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