June 7th: Triangle Veterinary Referral Hospital

Today we started with a few patients. Not a lot of exciting stuff happened today. It was a pretty slow day. There were a few oncology patients who arrived. The surgery rechecks went well. The patient whose leg was amputated yesterday was doing well. Though they were struggling to learn how to walk with three legs. I learned that raisins are poisonous to dogs. This is because they do something to the liver. Dogs can also not have grapes or any grape products. This damages their liver. The reason I learned this was because their were three dogs who came in yesterday suspected of eating raisins. The patient who suffered from pneumonia had been moved to the ICU and was released today. When owners sometimes say there dog is a picky eater you have to ask them what they have fed the dogs since getting them. If they respond that they feed them only human food. To animals, human food is like an amazing cake to them. If you only feed them that then they will have no desire to eat any dog food which is designed for them to eat. This morning I got to help hold a dog down to help take its vitals. I had to hold down its legs. In the afternoon we met with to surgery rechecks. One looks like it will be amputated. The other just needs to put weight on the foot.

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