June 7th- The Last Day

The last day at the Triangle Vet Hospital was pretty uneventful as most of the appointments were rechecks, meaning that they were just coming in to have a quick look by the surgeon to make sure that they were healing well. However, there was a bird that was brought in because it was found on the side of the road, but the bird was euthanized when it came into the hospital because it was almost already dead and there wasn’t much that anyone could do for it. Then, there were a bunch of bandage rechecks and there was a dog that came in to have his bandages changed that actually had been entangled and chopped up by a boat propeller (the wounds were disgusting). In addition, there was the smallest dog that I have ever seen, a miniature chihuahua, that had broken its tibia in the back leg, I believe, but the leg was not healing at all and completely atrophied, making an amputation the best decision for the dog. The dog was so small that the bones on the top of its head had not grown together, meaning that if you were to gently pat the top of its head, you could feel something squishy which was its brain. The day came to a close much too quickly and soon it was time to say goodbye to everyone which was hard because they had done so much for us and we had gotten to know a lot of them well.

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